44 research outputs found

    Smart models to improve agrometeorological estimations and predictions

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    La población mundial, en continuo crecimiento, alcanzará de forma estimada los 9,7 mil millones de habitantes en el 2050. Este incremento, combinado con el aumento en los estándares de vida y la situación de emergencia climática (aumento de la temperatura, intensificación del ciclo del agua, etc.) nos enfrentan al enorme desafío de gestionar de forma sostenible los cada vez más escasos recursos disponibles. El sector agrícola tiene que afrontar retos tan importantes como la mejora en la gestión de los recursos naturales, la reducción de la degradación medioambiental o la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional. Todo ello condicionado por la escasez de agua y las condiciones de aridez: factores limitantes en la producción de cultivos. Para garantizar una producción agrícola sostenible bajo estas condiciones, es necesario que todas las decisiones que se tomen estén basadas en el conocimiento, la innovación y la digitalización de la agricultura de forma que se garantice la resiliencia de los agroecosistemas, especialmente en entornos áridos, semi-áridos y secos sub-húmedos en los que el déficit de agua es estructural. Por todo esto, el presente trabajo se centra en la mejora de la precisión de los actuales modelos agrometeorológicos, aplicando técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Estos modelos pueden proporcionar estimaciones y predicciones precisas de variables clave como la precipitación, la radiación solar y la evapotranspiración de referencia. A partir de ellas, es posible favorecer estrategias agrícolas más sostenibles, gracias a la posibilidad de reducir el consumo de agua y energía, por ejemplo. Además, se han reducido el número de mediciones requeridas como parámetros de entrada para estos modelos, haciéndolos más accesibles y aplicables en áreas rurales y países en desarrollo que no pueden permitirse el alto costo de la instalación, calibración y mantenimiento de estaciones meteorológicas automáticas completas. Este enfoque puede ayudar a proporcionar información valiosa a los técnicos, agricultores, gestores y responsables políticos de la planificación hídrica y agraria en zonas clave. Esta tesis doctoral ha desarrollado y validado nuevas metodologías basadas en inteligencia artificial que han ser vido para mejorar la precision de variables cruciales en al ámbito agrometeorológico: precipitación, radiación solar y evapotranspiración de referencia. En particular, se han modelado sistemas de predicción y rellenado de huecos de precipitación a diferentes escalas utilizando redes neuronales. También se han desarrollado modelos de estimación de radiación solar utilizando exclusivamente parámetros térmicos y validados en zonas con características climáticas similares a lugar de entrenamiento, sin necesidad de estar geográficamente en la misma región o país. Analógamente, se han desarrollado modelos de estimación y predicción de evapotranspiración de referencia a nivel local y regional utilizando también solamente datos de temperatura para todo el proceso: regionalización, entrenamiento y validación. Y finalmente, se ha creado una librería de Python de código abierto a nivel internacional (AgroML) que facilita el proceso de desarrollo y aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, no solo enfocadas al sector agrometeorológico, sino también a cualquier modelo supervisado que mejore la toma de decisiones en otras áreas de interés.The world population, which is constantly growing, is estimated to reach 9.7 billion people in 2050. This increase, combined with the rise in living standards and the climate emergency situation (increase in temperature, intensification of the water cycle, etc.), presents us with the enormous challenge of managing increasingly scarce resources in a sustainable way. The agricultural sector must face important challenges such as improving natural resource management, reducing environmental degradation, and ensuring food and nutritional security. All of this is conditioned by water scarcity and aridity, limiting factors in crop production. To guarantee sustainable agricultural production under these conditions, it is necessary to based all the decision made on knowledge, innovation, and the digitization of agriculture to ensure the resilience of agroecosystems, especially in arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid dry environments where water deficit is structural. Therefore, this work focuses on improving the precision of current agrometeorological models by applying artificial intelligence techniques. These models can provide accurate estimates and predictions of key variables such as precipitation, solar radiation, and reference evapotranspiration. This way, it is possible to promote more sustainable agricultural strategies by reducing water and energy consumption, for example. In addition, the number of measurements required as input parameters for these models has been reduced, making them more accessible and applicable in rural areas and developing countries that cannot afford the high cost of installing, calibrating, and maintaining complete automatic weather stations. This approach can help provide valuable information to technicians, farmers, managers, and policy makers in key wáter and agricultural planning areas. This doctoral thesis has developed and validated new methodologies based on artificial intelligence that have been used to improve the precision of crucial variables in the agrometeorological field: precipitation, solar radiation, and reference evapotranspiration. Specifically, prediction systems and gap-filling models for precipitation at different scales have been modeled using neural networks. Models for estimating solar radiation using only thermal parameters have also been developed and validated in areas with similar climatic characteristics to the training location, without the need to be geographically in the same region or country. Similarly, models for estimating and predicting reference evapotranspiration at the local and regional level have been developed using only temperature data for the entire process: regionalization, training, and validation. Finally, an internationally open-source Python library (AgroML) has been created to facilitate the development and application of artificial intelligence models, not only focused on the agrometeorological sector but also on any supervised model that improves decision-making in other areas of interest

    Assessing Machine Learning Models for Gap Filling Daily Rainfall Series in a Semiarid Region of Spain

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    The presence of missing data in hydrometeorological datasets is a common problem, usually due to sensor malfunction, deficiencies in records storage and transmission, or other recovery procedures issues. These missing values are the primary source of problems when analyzing and modeling their spatial and temporal variability. Thus, accurate gap-filling techniques for rainfall time series are necessary to have complete datasets, which is crucial in studying climate change evolution. In this work, several machine learning models have been assessed to gap-fill rainfall data, using different approaches and locations in the semiarid region of Andalusia (Southern Spain). Based on the obtained results, the use of neighbor data, located within a 50 km radius, highly outperformed the rest of the assessed approaches, with RMSE (root mean squared error) values up to 1.246 mm/day, MBE (mean bias error) values up to −0.001 mm/day, and R2 values up to 0.898. Besides, inland area results outperformed coastal area in most locations, arising the efficiency effects based on the distance to the sea (up to an improvement of 63.89% in terms of RMSE). Finally, machine learning (ML) models (especially MLP (multilayer perceptron)) notably outperformed simple linear regression estimations in the coastal sites, whereas in inland locations, the improvements were not such significant

    AgroML: An Open-Source Repository to Forecast Reference Evapotranspiration in Different Geo-Climatic Conditions Using Machine Learning and Transformer-Based Models

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    Accurately forecasting reference evapotranspiration (ET0) values is crucial to improve crop irrigation scheduling, allowing anticipated planning decisions and optimized water resource management and agricultural production. In this work, a recent state-of-the-art architecture has been adapted and deployed for multivariate input time series forecasting (transformers) using past values of ET0 and temperature-based parameters (28 input configurations) to forecast daily ET0 up to a week (1 to 7 days). Additionally, it has been compared to standard machine learning models such as multilayer perceptron (MLP), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), extreme learning machine (ELM), convolutional neural network (CNN), long short-term memory (LSTM), and two baselines (historical monthly mean value and a moving average of the previous seven days) in five locations with different geo-climatic characteristics in the Andalusian region, Southern Spain. In general, machine learning models significantly outperformed the baselines. Furthermore, the accuracy dramatically dropped when forecasting ET0 for any horizon longer than three days. SVM, ELM, and RF using configurations I, III, IV, and IX outperformed, on average, the rest of the configurations in most cases. The best NSE values ranged from 0.934 in Córdoba to 0.869 in Tabernas, using SVM. The best RMSE, on average, ranged from 0.704 mm/day for Málaga to 0.883 mm/day for Conil using RF. In terms of MBE, most models and cases performed very accurately, with a total average performance of 0.011 mm/day. We found a relationship in performance regarding the aridity index and the distance to the sea. The higher the aridity index at inland locations, the better results were obtained in forecasts. On the other hand, for coastal sites, the higher the aridity index, the higher the error. Due to the good performance and the availability as an open-source repository of these models, they can be used to accurately forecast ET0 in different geo-climatic conditions, helping to increase efficiency in tasks of great agronomic importance, especially in areas with low rainfall or where water resources are limiting for the development of crops

    Inertial and Degradation Delay Model for CMOS Logic Gates

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    The authors present the Inertial and Degradation Delay Model (IDDM) for CMOS digital simulation. The model combines the Degradation Delay Model presented in previous papers with a new algorithm to handle the inertial effect, and is able to take account of the propagation and filtering of arbitrarily narrow pulses (glitches, etc.). The model clearly overcomes the limitations of conventional approaches

    Influence of Clocking Strategies on the Design of Low Switching-Noise Digital and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits

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    This communication shows the influence of clocking schemes on the digital switching noise generation. It will be shown how the choice of a suited clocking scheme for the digital part reduces the switching noise, thus alleviating the problematic associated to limitations of performances in mixed-signal Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits. Simulation data of a pipelined XOR chain using both a single-phase and a two-phase clocking schemes, as well as of two nbit counters with different clocking styles lead, as conclusions, to recommend multiple clock-phase and asynchronous styles for reducing switching noise

    Delay degradation effect in submicronic CMOS inverters

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    This communication presents the evidence of a degradation effect causing important reductions in the delay of a CMOS inverter when consecutive input transition are close in time. Complete understanding of the effect is demonstrated, providing a quantifying model. Fully characterization as a function of design variables and external conditions is carried out, making the model suitable for using in library characterization as well as simulation at a transistor level. Comparison with HSPICE level 6 simulations shows satisfactory accuracy for timing evaluation.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 95-009

    Monthly Precipitation Forecasts Using Wavelet Neural Networks Models in a Semiarid Environment

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    Accurate forecast of hydrological data such as precipitation is critical in order to provide useful information for water resources management, playing a key role in different sectors. Traditional forecasting methods present many limitations due to the high-stochastic property of precipitation and its strong variability in time and space: not identifying non-linear dynamics or not solving the instability of local weather situations. In this work, several alternative models based on the combination of wavelet analysis (multiscalar decomposition) with artificial neural networks have been developed and evaluated at sixteen locations in Southern Spain (semiarid region of Andalusia), representative of different climatic and geographical conditions. Based on the capability of wavelets to describe non-linear signals, ten wavelet neural network models (WNN) have been applied to predict monthly precipitation by using short-term thermo-pluviometric time series. Overall, the forecasting results show differences between the ten models, although an effective performance (i.e., correlation coefficients ranged from 0.76 to 0.90 and Root Mean Square Error values ranged from 6.79 to 29.82 mm) was obtained at each of the locations assessed. The most appropriate input variables to obtain the best forecasts are analyzed, according to the geo-climatic characteristics of the sixteen sites studied

    Degradation Delay Model Extension to CMOS Gates

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    This contribution extends the Degradation Delay Model (DDM), previously developed for CMOS inverters, to simple logic gates. A gate-level approach is followed. At a first stage, all input collisions producing degradation are studied and classified. Then, an exhaustive model is proposed, which defines a set of parameters for each particular collision. This way, a full and accurate description of the degradation effect is obtained (compared to HSPICE) at the cost of storing a rather high number of parameters. To solve that, a simplified model is also proposed maintaining similar accuracy but with a reduced number of parameters and a simplified characterization process. Finally, the complexity of both models is compared

    HALOTIS: high accuracy LOgic TIming simulator with inertial and degradation delay model

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    This communication presents HALOTIS, a novel high accuracy logic timing simulation tool, that incorporates a new simulation algorithm based on different concepts for transitions and events. This new simulation algorithm is intended for including the inertial and degradation delay models. Simulation results are very similar to those obtained by electrical simulators, and show a higher accuracy compared to conventional delay models implemented in current logic simulators.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000-135

    Gate-Level Simulation of CMOS Circuits Using the IDDM Model

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    Timing verification of digital CMOS circuits is a key point in the design process. In this contribution we present the extension to gates of the Inertial and Degradation Delay Model for logic timing simulation which is able to take account of the propagation of arbitrarily narrow pulses. As a result, the model is ready to be applied to the simulation and verification of complex circuits. Simulation results show an accuracy similar to HSPICE and greatly improved precision over conventional delay models.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000-135